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KAMA HOUSE(卡玛世家),于1920年创立于意大利威利斯。凭借着对欧洲古老艺术的理解,卡玛世家精心雕琢每一件家具,将古典艺术与复杂精细的工艺技术完美的融为一体,用精准的尺寸,恰到好处的比例与符合人体工学的设计使得其作品神韵毕现。经过世纪的沉淀,作为高贵,奢华,彰显身份的象征,卡玛世家已经成为欧美高端办公家具领导性品牌。




KAMA HOUSE, founded in Willis, Italy in 1920.With the understanding of the ancient European art, kamal family meticulously carved each piece of furniture, the classical art and sophisticated technology perfect integration, with accurate size, proper proportion and ergonomic design to make its works full of charm.After centuries of precipitation, as a symbol of nobility, luxury and status, kamal family has become a leading brand of high-end office furniture in Europe and America.

Kamal family, the leading brand of high-end office furniture in Europe and America, has officially authorized Qingdao huiteng office furniture co., LTD., the only manufacturer in greater China, to bring the European noble blood into China.At present, kamarshijia has authorized and set up brand stores in Shanghai, Beijing, guangzhou, suzhou, chongqing, fuzhou, zhengzhou, shenyang and other places, leading the luxury office life in China.

The wood used in some of our products includes Australian reggan nanmu, American ash and Thai oak.With strict technical standards, excellent products and high-quality services, the cultural spirit behind the products, high-quality production and impeccable modeling will be passed to more consumers, rewrite the current dull office space temperament.

Following on, kamal family will be unique in the future Chinese office furniture market, leading the future of European office furniture.Continue to provide China's political and business elites with a high standard, high grade, full range of pure European luxury office experience.


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二维码 13932652929